포리스트 네일 Forest Nail & Spa Forest Nail & Spa
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주 소 81 St Clair Ave E, , ON Toronto, ON M4T 1M7 CA
담당자Forest Nail
전 화416-913-7795
수정일: 2017-09-12,  등록일: 2017-09-12
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Why We Are The Best?



Secret Forest for Your Beauty – Unleash your beauty to the world! Forest nails and spa is here to style you with trendy style that will illuminate your beauty. Our goal is to provide highest quality service in a sanitary environment. Fun with flair, we are geared to offer consistent and luxurious services to our valued customers. Our ever-expanding services include hand and foot treatments, shellac, tinting, artificial nails, waxing, facial, massage, and more.

81 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, ON M4T 1M7
We are located in one block east of Yonge Street.
Also accessible from Pleasant Blvd.  and
inside the same mall as Sobeys.

416-913- 7795


Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 7:00 pm
Saturday 9:30 am to 6:00 pm
Sunday 11:00 am to 5:00 pm



