Pantos Logistics Canada Inc. -판토스 Pantos Logistics Canada Inc.
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주 소 7810 Keele St unit c, Concord, ON L4K 0B7 CA
전 화905-761-1500
수정일: 2019-12-09,  등록일: 2019-12-09
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Bringing Life to your Supply Chain

Pantos Logistics Canada Inc. is a global third-party logistics company; providing total SCM solutions. It provides global freight forwarding services including Air, Ocean, Express, and Customs; along with strong competence in domestic trucking and warehousing services.

Since its inception in the Canadian market with accumulated experience from a global network, it has evolved into one of the top service providers in Canada. Some of the key milestones of its past achievements include an exclusive partnership with “LG Corporation for overall freight forwarding services” and successful execution of “Alberta’s oil-sand plant project”.


With sustained growth, it is now established with the nation-wide infrastructure of 3 offices and 2 warehouses in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver; with its integrated global network of 155 offices in over 40 countries.

Pantos Logistics Canada Inc. values enhanced quality and cost-oriented solution for the client. For any inquiry, please contact Sales team,

Your precision planning partner, Pantos Logistics Canada Inc.
Serving 2,500+ Global customers in various industrial fields.

