Sushi One - 스시원 Sushi One
Biz Logo
주 소 4924 Yonge St, North York Toronto, ON M2N 5N5 CA
담당자Sushi One
전 화416-222-0303
수정일: 2017-08-04,  등록일: 2017-08-04
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Taste of Japan MySushioOne Our mission is to be the leader in the Japanese restaurant industry. We are committed to satisfying our customers completely with the best quality food, excellent service and great value while providing the most pleasant, clean ambiance. Welcome to Guirei Sushi Japanese Restaurant, the people behind sushi for all mankind.


DELIVERY Business Hours




Business Hours


Mon ~ Thur 11:00 AM ~ 10:00 PM 
Fri 11:00 AM ~ 11:00 PM 
Sat 12:00 AM ~ 11:00 PM 
Sun 12:00 AM ~ 10:00 PM
