Mr.Tonkatsu - wellesley Mr.Tonkatsu wellesley
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주 소 548 Yonge St, , ON Toronto, ON M4Y 1Y8 CA
전 화416-901-9151
수정일: 2020-09-07,  등록일: 2020-09-07
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About Mr.Tonkatsu


Tonkatsu is known as one of the most “anthentic” dishes of the world, which consists of deep-fried pork cutlet served with some shredded raw cabbage and sweet sauce. Mr. Tonkatsu opened its first Tonkatsu restaurant in Toronto, Canada, providing fresh cutlet with its own unique and special sweet sauce. Since Tonkatsu is still not well known in the city, Mr.Tonkatsu sees the potential growth and endeavors to serve the authentic Tonkatsu.

